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Jeremy Turner


Making a sculpture allows me to fabricate objects and position them in combinations that have not previously occurred, or had reason to occur. Many of the forms, methods and relationships in the work are directly influenced by technology, industry, logistics and systems and are therefore outwardly recognisable. Taking these characteristics out of their normal context, combining them with the curious, the unfamiliar and the questionable sets in motion narratives and notions that question what we know, and what we don't know. The sculptures become a vehicle for thinking about themselves, and things in general. Career path Exhibits regularly in group and solo exhibitions, and in 2004 became an Associate Member of the Royal Society of British Sculptors. Has held various lecturing and research posts at the Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education, University of Lincoln and University of Leeds. Currently is Programme Leader / Senior Lecturer in Fine Art at the University of Chester.



Open Circuit

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St. Sebastian

St. Catherine

St. Stephen


Green Green Grass of Home



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