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Hayley Field

I work both individually and as a collaborative with a focus on twentieth century women painters

I am an abstract painter. My work represents intense, personal responses to observations, events, or experiences. My focus is on colour, shape and composition. My paintings slowly emerge through considerable re-working, accumulating a history of marks, often surfacing isolated figures and shapes.

Following art school I worked in the art room of a day centre and was deeply affected by the work and working processes of the people I met there. This impacted my work – an emphasis on not knowing, an immersion in making with a true sense of discovery is something I value and try to maintain in my work.

In the past few years I have been part of the collaborative project ‘Obscure Secure’ with fellow artist Jacqueline Utley. The project explores twentieth century women artists. To date we have worked with collections at Christchurch Mansion in Ipswich, The Red House in Aldeburgh and Towner Eastbourne. 


Kinetic drawing

Totems VII and VI

Big Shape

She / Totem IV

Through the trees to the river

Totem III (modular painting

Landscape II (modular painting)

Totem II (modular painting)

Obscure Secure at Towner Eastbourne



Calamine pink

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