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Martin Seeds

Artist from Belfast, Lecturer in Photography.

Martin Seeds is an artist and educator. Drawing from his experience of growing up in Northern Ireland, his practice explores the conflicting experiences of identity, history and culture. Personal narratives, the relationship to place, politics and conflict are themes that recur and interconnect in his work.
He has exhibited in solo and group shows nationally and internationally - France, USA, UK, Ireland. His work has been featured in the British Journal of Photography, Photoworks and Creative Review. He has taken part in radio interviews and has been a guest on photography podcasts The Messy Truth, Nearest Truth. 

Recent exhibitions include, Romper Room at Brighton Centre for Contemporary Art, Brighton(2023), The Politics of Place at Photo Museum Ireland, Dublin(2022), Photo Ireland
Festival, Dublin(2022), No Place is an Island, Photo 50 at London Art Fair (2022). In 2019 Seeds was nominated and long listed for the 2020 Deutsche Börse Photography Prize for his solo exhibition Violence Religion Injustice Death at
Seen Fifteen Gallery London


Romper Room

Surface Tensions(before BREXIT), 2021

No Country For Young Men


Disagreement v, Stormont Estate, Belfast

Violence Religion Injustice Death

Disagreement ii


Disagreement i


No Country For Young Men

No Country For Young Men

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