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Patricia McParlin

Patricia McParlin, is an award winning British artist who lives and works in Wales, and has recently been elected as a member of The Royal Cambrian Academy.


I am primarily a painter, but have also worked as a musician, writer and theatre practitioner.

My work has a cross-disciplinary influence, encompassing film, installation, sculpture and performance art.

I have exhibited widely and my work has been purchased by corporate and individual collectors, both nationally and internationally.

Artist Statement 

I am interested in the power art has to transgress boundaries.  It can be in, (at least), two places at once; inner and outer, real and imagined, present and past. 

It offers an instant synthesis of thought and emotion, challenging divisions between what is seen and imagined, observed and remembered.  An expression both literal and metaphorical in the same moment.

'I partly see my art as a form of visual poetic, or static music….the impulse to transform…to harmonise discords…walking the line in-between beauty and brutality…the bitter sweet…'

I am currently concerned with the physicality of painting; colour, form, space, texture and the alchemy that can arise from a response to materials.




April Interior 11

April Interior 1

Spring Gardens

Spring Rain in the Window

January Days 11

January Days 1

Interior Shift

Winter Shifts

Blue harmonic

Fallow 11


Into Winter

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