Sarah Lynch
I use objects that have been shaped or reformed, then temporarily held together to show the silent, constant strength and energy that exists both around them and in them. My work explores the temporary nature of our being, our lack of control and our futile attempts to define our selves within it.
Light can reflect on two fragments of glass so they appear solid and distinct in one moment but translucent and soft in another. A crushed ball of tissue paper tied with cotton tries to hold it shape, but is at the mercy of the wind and time as to its future. The Circles are held together to define a space that holds only the same time and energy that surrounds it.
I am trying to draw attention to the silent energy that exists, and that we exist in; to point to the continual cycle of time and movement of energy that we see our delicate and temporary existence reflected in. Ultimately I just want to share a feeling of wonder at the fragile but beautiful nature of being.