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Susan Eyre

Driven by curiosity into the mysteries of the universe and a fascination with particle physics Susan Eyre investigates cosmological phenomena and unseen forces, such as cosmic rays and magnetic fields.

Susan Eyre has a research led practice working across installation, sculpture, video and expanded print processes. Employing scientific systems of enquiry and technology to assist in revealing the unseen and extending the boundaries of human sensory experience, she creates work to encourage a sense of wonder in the everyday and an awareness of an entangled and interconnected universe. She has collaborated in cross discipline projects with scientists and academics, the UK High Altitude Society and Imperial College Space Society. Building her own cloud chamber, and running workshops for the visualisation of cosmic particles she led “Laboratory of Dark Matters”, a research, residency and events programme inspired by visiting the dark matter research facility at Boulby Underground Laboratory. Most recently she built a cosmic ray scintillator detector to activate video animations in real time. In 2024 she was longlisted for the Aesthetica Art Prize. Born in Suffolk, with a past background as chef and programmer she is currently based in London with a studio in Woolwich.



Radical Pair


Wintering Light

The Absolute Hut (of action potential)

Azimuth Obelisk (of sedimentary knowledge)

Instruments of the Anemoi

Domain of the Devil Valley Master

The Breath of Stars

The Compass Eye

Pole Receptor

92 Years Measured in Light

Cosmic Chiasmus: crossing the universe

Featured in


Curated Selection: Sculpture


Highlights: 10 - 16 June, 2024

By Axis web

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