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By  Natalie Ramus 2016
A fascination with the materiality of the body has led me to question its edges and boundaries. 16000 is a long term project in which I will make use of a stack of paper which equates to my body’s height. This stack will be used to extend the body into the occupied space; it will explore and document the body through action- the traces of which will be captured and documented creating an archive of time, memory and body. The traces of materials such as body fluids are as autonomous as the body itself in the way that they change through time, and so the artefacts of the performance are also performative by nature. Overall this project will question the parameters of performance, and will ask the question- when does performance begin / end? (If it ends at all). TEETH(OF)MY CHILDREN My children’s teeth came into existence inside my body and left inside the bodies of my children. As my children lost their teeth they came back into my possession; with those teeth as material, a meditation through action consider where the mother’s body ends. Performed at Tempting Failure CIC 2016.

Photo credit: Julia Bauer

Photo credit: Julia Bauer

prettier-ignore-start Hgsxazfoek3lvu6byeeuw prettier-ignore-end Natalie Ramus

Following IN//Footsteps OF

Splintered Land:Bodyscape


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