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By  Natalie Ramus 2016
35 sutures. 3 hours. Performed at Emergency, Manchester 2016. Threads. (Inter)connections. Tension. As the number of sutures connecting my body to the stack increased, the stack began to sway with my breath. The room, which was so small that only 5 observers were permitted entry at a time meant that this action was unavoidable. The intimacy of the space held invisible connections made through empathy, connecting the observer to me; and so a shared 3 hour experience meant that a web of visible/invisible connections filled the room, which we all became entangled in. The space felt transformative. The ritual of repetition was relentless. The intensity of the action has deepened the level of connection I feel to this stack- as the suture that passed through my flesh then in turn passed through the edges of the stack I began to question the edges of my body; I wondered.... Is the stack now an extention of my flesh? Is it now part of me? Photo credit: Garry Cook

Photo credit: Garry Cook

Photo credit: Garry Cook

Photo credit: Garry Cook

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