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52° 20' 6.2772'' N / 2° 16' 48.6408'' W / 21.514 m

By  Mark Adams 2008 - 2013

© Mark Adams

60 x 50

From the project - Waterways, examining both perennial and temporal states of England’s inland waterways with a particular focus on canals. The project continues with a recurrent theme - exploring the concept of nature as either a regenerative or debilitated component in both the urban and rural environment.
prettier-ignore-start Kntvhcf03ue81nilnxqbag prettier-ignore-end Mark Adams

53° 42' 13.0896'' N / 2° 6' 30.8916'' W / 145.95 m

Boy On Bike, Greenquarter, Manchester, England

View from McCarren Airport, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

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