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'7qADV' (2010) Karen Heald, Elizia Volkmann, London.

By  Karen Heald 2016
7 quiet Acts of Domestic Violence (7qADV) was an art residency with collaborator Elizia Volkmann. This series of live art events took place over a seven-week period in 58 Shelmerdine Close, a condemned maisonette in the East End of London (2010) curated by Tanya Cottingham. Cottingham invited artists to spend six days responding to the flat, which culminated in a closing event to a participatory guest audience. Elizia and I, collectively known as K&E, were the final act of the series. Working with the whole house, Act 7 had multiple layers. Our proposal had been to collect and transform objects that we obtained from Freecycle. Behind the concept was the recognition of Freecycle's community network and the fact that many women and their children flee their homes, leaving all their personal possessions, to escape domestic violence and consequently set up home again from 'scratch'. We created artworks, live and recorded performances, following the week-long residency. This concluded with a public view by invitation. The exhibition was about process - interventions, happenings and interactions, crossing Fine Art genres. The emphasis was on layering and experimentation while mainly incorporating found objects.
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'Meander' (2014) Karen Heald, Angela Davies and Angela Kornecka, Golau project, Chirk Castle, Wales. ACW funded.

'Paper Interior' (2013) Karen Heald, Susan Liggett, HD video performance, Wales.

'Mapio Madoc Creadigol I' (2014) Oriel Wrecsam. Karen Heald, Francesca Simmons, Ant Dickinson, Angela Davies. ACW funded.

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