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A Dérive around Huddersfield

By  Paul R Jones 2017

Paul R Jones

'A Derive around Huddersfield' as part of the 4th World Congress of Psychogeography. 10th September 2017 A collaboration between Paul R Jones, Alec Shepley and Paul Heppel. UK artists Shepley and Jones will take as their starting point Michael Philipson’s provocation to uncover those spaces that culture has not reached and to take Philipson further, to excavate those spaces or gaps that culture has somehow forgotten or that progress has left behind. Through the everyday practice walking, Shepley will sweep-trace the ‘ley-lines’ left by architects and urban planners, and Jones will conduct data-collection experiments. Through tracing and sweeping they will contour urban features, cracks and gaps, delineations and boundaries, exploring differences in the infrastructure precipitated by utopian and dystopian templates, and in-so-doing expose something between art and life - even if only momentarily. Data sweep drawings are often by-products of this process and the artists would hope to produce some for the Congress as a record of their dérives. They propose starting from S2R Create Space, with a group of up to 20 to join, and then proceed – drifting through a district of the city. The walk will last one hour (within a two-hour slot) allowing time for introductions, the walk, and then discussion. ( Map of the derive can be viewed at

Paul R Jones

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Soil Displacement (Welsh Enclave)


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