A Glimpse of Calm Amidst the Chaos
Pitcher Design
- Craft and Design
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Health & Wellness
- Social & Political
- Hand Embroidery
- Free Machine Embroidery
- Narrative Art
- Family Narrative
- Embroidery
38.5 x 51.5
"A Glimpse of Calm Amidst the Chaos" captures a 1940s family posed on a stile, embodying a fleeting moment of serenity in a world which seems to be run by lunatics. Set against an idyllic rural landscape, the family sits with an air of innocence, contrasting starkly with the chaos around them. Through a mix of hand stitch, free machine stitch and appliqué, Sue Stone weaves a tactile story of continuity and contradiction. By blending traditional techniques with contemporary reflections, the piece invites viewers to ponder how much – or how little – the world has changed. The work speaks to a longing for stability in uncertain times, drawing attention to the persistent tension between personal sanctuary and societal upheaval.
Materials & Techniques
Hand stitch and free machine stitch:cotton and wool threads on a cotton/linen background with applied recycled cotton lawn clothing fabrics.
Pitcher Design
Pitcher Design