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a life spent trying to find something

By  Marc Renshaw 2018 Driftspace is a remote artspace curated by Marc Renshaw. ‘The space exists in consciousness, in webspace, in the places I visit – starting within the locality of my Northern Lincolnshire home and moving further afield.’ ‘An evolving research-led territory, Driftspace doesn’t depend upon a specific set of measurable outcomes, rather, it serves as a free flowing entity allowing for experimentation and reflection.’ ‘It’s a space open to possibilities, collaborations and individual projects.’ The inaugural exhibition at Driftspace Gallery focuses on notions of nostalgia, where the artist questions ‘A life spent trying to find something…’ Does the act of drawing offer the artist a form of redemption? Is it possible to draw a new future?
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Interim Conjecture.

The Town Deal

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