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(a plan) For A Spell....

A plan for) A Spell to Quieten our Unshieldedness, (wherever it has been abandoned by clarity), and “what use to a being who lives under the sun are jewels of gas and silver stars of ice?” Alex Hetherington for Market Gallery, Glasgow. Film and video from Emily Wardill, John Maybury, Laida Lertxundi, Jo Ann Kaplan, Lynn Hershman-Leeson and Vera Frenkel, performed readings from scripts for film and television by Susan Sontag (Duet for Cannibals) and the pilot (Saga of a Star World) to Battlestar Galactica (1978) with interruptions from a variety of writers including Stanislaw Lem, William Boroughs and Marcel Mauss. Following the event the spell, taking the form of an audio work and written text, is to be auctioned on eBay. With Anne-Marie Copestake. Supported by LUX, London
59tfxszmqkynuipcx4qdwq Alex Hetherington

Women's Studies

MOTHS, made of end papers, made of overlaps

settings, Lauren Printy Currie

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