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A Plan Projects @ The Sluice Art Fair

By  Cat Bagg 2011
For the inaugural Sluice Art Fair A Plan projects presents: "The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom... for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough" William Blake Showcasing artists Poppy Jones and Lise Hovesen both of whom create works which question the effects of contemporary profligacy, at a time where the excesses of economy, information and image have been brought into sharp relief. Jones' subject matter is the dissemination of the image in contemporary society. By refining layers of reproduction she creates imagery in which the language of film and iconography begins to pull away from the weight of it's narrative associations. Combining digital print technologies with traditional wood cut, litho and mono print techinques she produces unique objects, which become the flags and banners of visual reproduction. Hovesen's compositions draw on her own discoveries and research in to recent history and politics. With footage from locations such as the disaster zone at Chernobyl or vast stores of the mono culture crop, rape seed. Combining low-fi digital photography and video with super eight film they resist attachment to a particular era, fusing visions of the world from different times and ideologies. Her works reflect on the way we view history and realign our understanding of the world in an age of globalised information.
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