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A Stitch to Every Sound [St Barde Gallery]

By  Claire Barber 2022

Yeshen Venema

The continuous and dynamic relationship I have with places, both urban and natural, has been explored through the artwork A stitch to every sound: St Barbe Art and to enable me to understand more about places to which I listen. The artwork consists of stitched responses to various listening locations at St Barbe Art Gallery. Using on-site sound recordings sourced from the gallery I immersed myself in the audio whilst sewing, experiencing how ambient and incidental sounds connect us to other people, materials and objects within and beyond the gallery space. The artwork was presented at the exhibition 'Conversations: People, Places, Materials, Objects' organised by the 62 Group and installed at St Barde Museum and Art Gallery, Lymington, Hampshire.

Yeshen Venema

Yeshen Venema

Yeshen Venema

prettier-ignore-start Mlmd95pfnumnlrtmt1qe7w prettier-ignore-end Claire Barber

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