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A Taste of Happiness - Lightpool

During my artist residency through laft Caost in Blackpool, myself Grange Park residents, began to think about how can we share happiness? what where our common memories of happiness? And an evocative memory was the experience of tasting ice-cream, as a child, as an adult, on holiday (many times in Blackpool), or just taking a moment out to experience a ‘taste of happiness.’

As there is an abundance of fruit at @thegrange, on Grange Park and many other community sites throughout Blackpool we begin to experiment with seasonal community ice-cream making. And of course, being in Blackpool we had to go one step further and share our taste of happiness through the medium of light!

  • Our illuminated Ice-cream to shine a light on happiness

With Architectural Designer Ecaterina Stefanescu and in collaboration Lightpool, residents codesigned an illuminated ice-cream cart and explored what makes them happy. Creating a series of their own personal illuminated pickets, assembled with icons and LED light, which will be attached to the cart to represent what makes then happy.

Profile pic 1723117891 Samantha Jones

Homegrown Collective

On_Convalescence : (May We Rise) Together


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