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Ancient Garden Vision on the Archeologists Container

One of a series of works based on a local archaeological dig (iron age/Roman) in spring 2023. This one refers to the ancient garden frescoes found at Livia's house, Rome. The paintings are made with earth pigments, including some from the site itself.

prettier-ignore-start Forum detail 1714124772 prettier-ignore-end Jenny Mellings
This is a painting of two layers relating to the experience and limitations of communication via Skype. The shadowy 'figure' is trapped behind a screen, obscured by the pointillist/divisionist dots of light. The colours suggest a nocturnal view, dominated by orange, which reflects of the ubiquitous colouring of the sodium vapour streetlamp.

Skype 2

Ancient Site with Chamomile and St John's Wort

Twig that Got Stuck in My Hair

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