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Ancients of the Future - Back from the Brink

An astonishing amount of UK wildlife is reliant on ancient trees – over 2,000 species. The trees seem indomitable, their habitats and wildlife secure, but actually they are under threat and declining. For this project, held at Fountains Abbey in Ripon, I held adult drawing sessions where we found out more about ancient trees from experts and then spent time drawing them. Based on the believe that once you have taken the time to look and behold something, focused enough to draw it, you form a connection that is intimate and lasting, an appreciation and reverence for these ancient trees. Back from the Brink is one of the most ambitious conservation projects ever undertaken. Its aim – to save 20 species from extinction and benefit over 200 more through 19 projects that span England; from the tip of Cornwall to Northumberland. It’s the first time ever that so many conservation organisations have come together with one focus in mind – to bring back from the brink of extinction some of England’s most threatened species of animal, plant and fungi.
Yug8rpaquw6ojqz0oad7a Sarah Richards


Room study1

Silence My Baby

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