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Ariel II (Child sleeping on a scarlet linen)

Video stills, Clara S Rueprich

2-channel-video installation / DV-Pal / color/sound / 10:00 min.

Two video paintings form a two-channel video installation. The left video shows a sea which is about to freeze. It is almost imperceptibly lifted and lowered by waves. The right hand side video is a single shot of a child sleeping at dusk. The very slight up and down of the breathing body creates an atmosphere of somnolent immobility. While darkness is deepening, the face of the child only remains a shadow before it merges into the darkness completely.
4jflzq2x0oukn1id1xncg Clara S Rueprich

Attempts on a still life (Glass Series 1-3)

”Actually, I live hand-forgotten” ("eigentlich lebe ich handvergessen.” )

Regen kommt und bleibt (Rain comes to stay)

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