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Artists in Residence at C2C Social Action

By  Jessica Harby 2019
Artists in Residence at C2C Social Action are working with vulnerable women in Northampton, teaching art skills, bolstering confidence, and exhibiting alongside them. The project runs for three months (January to April 2019) and involves artists working twice a week in drop-in arts sessions. The culmination of the project will be an exhibition at a Northampton art gallery, showing the work of the participants alongside the artists. Conceived and Managed by: Sally Sheinman Artists: Sophie Cero Emma Davies Jessica Harby Annabelle Shelton Artists in Residence at C2C Social Action is a pilot programme funded by Arts Council England and supported by the Royal Society of Arts.
Fc4123b7 2c20 4ce1 828d 9972b8377d82 copy 1733770552 Jessica Harby

The Thing or The Oh Noeux Tapestry


I only paint icebergs

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