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By  Katy Beinart 2011

Tomaz Kramberger

15cm x 40cm x30cm

An artwork by Katy and Rebecca Beinart. The Aurophone translates text through the keypad onto scratched and cut 35mm camera film, to create a musical score of punched holes, which then plays out through the music-box. The artists have 'translated' each of the 54 stories told by participants in their market stall residency, using 35mm film on which is a repeated photograph of the object associated with the story. The recorded sounds and images that the machine produces reflect the artist's interest in attempts to classify, categorise and communicate different stories of migration and history. The machine renders these stories into forms of music and image that can no longer be traced to an origin, leaving only ghostly remnants.

Katy Beinart

Katy Beinart

Katy Beinart

Tomaz Kramberger

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A Difficult Place

Offere II

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