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'Basket Cases' Necklace

By  Danny Manning 2024
One of the pieces of Jewellery created during ‘Diary of a Hedgerow’. Over the last four years I have explored issues around sustainability, deforestation, species decline and climate change through the litter found in a specific hedgerow and verge in the South Downs National Park. This formed the focus of my MA Textiles project at the University of Brighton 2023. I developed a whole range of creative samples from baskets, jewellery and sculpture together with formulating a workshop programme to encourage others to revaluate the materials we throw away. Currently I run ‘Eco Crafts for All’ a five-week course and NCFE Level 1 in Creative Crafts aimed at neurodiverse learners at Eastbourne and Newhaven. This work has all derived from my initial concept ‘Diary of a Hedgerow’.
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Giant Hover fly

Cabinets of Curiosity Exhibition

Mummer Mask: St.Leonards Dragon Sussex

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