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Between Tides

By  Bruce Allan 2006

Sandie Macrae

120 minutes

A performance drawing made on sandbanks in the River Severn Performers:Jon Daniels, Sue Holpin, Nadina Prosser, Ian Richardson Taped instructions: The performers are briefed before the action and equipped with a personal stereo and tape with identical instructions. These are synchronised and activated during the huddle at the start/end point preceding commencement of the drawing. Sequence of performance: 10 minutes - take dinghy out to the sandbanks 5minutes - beach dinghy and walk to start/end point 3minutes - huddle and synchronise 15minutes - meander slowly in different directions 3minutes - stop and face North 15minutes - meander slowly in different directions 3minutes - stop and face South 15minutes - meander slowly in different directions 3minutes - stop and face East 15minutes - meander slowly in different directions 3minutes - stop and face West 15minutes - meander back to start/end point in own time 3minutes - huddle 5minutes - return to dinghy and launch 10minutes - return to shore
prettier-ignore-start Dvf7xv0kuupzvcbtinhgw prettier-ignore-end Bruce Allan


Mayakovsky and Lili, Variations on a photograph censored by Soviet authority circa 1918


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