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Birdsong with a Found Feather

By  Martin Smith 2013 - 2014

John Coombes

The concept came for the notion of waking up to the wonderful sound of birdsong. Rather than a caged living bird an elaborate mechanically operated sliding whistle has been devised that can be set and activated when required.“I wanted a piece that could be set, as with an alarm clock, and would allow you start the day gently. I am interested in producing mechanical bird sounds and seeing the cause and effect through a mechanism. For me the making is very important and I wanted to craft every part of the machine, to understand how the bellows are constructed and operate and to get the bird whistle sounding just right.”

John Coombes

John Coombes

John Coombes

John Coombes

prettier-ignore-start Fyjhwip4hu20z3gdjzya prettier-ignore-end Martin Smith


The Spinning Heart Machine

Bird Wave

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