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Blue House 2

This is another work in the ongoing 'Covid Blue' series that are being made under (and for some time after) lockdown and isolation in South Somerset. Alongside prints/paintings on other formats, this is one of a run of roughly A4 sized print/paintings that are cyanotypes, many of which are painted with pigment such as lapis lazuli or watercolour. . They relate to the ongoing situation of Covid 19 and the immediate environment, and some are based on discoveries and visions during walks, and time spent in the garden.
Forum detail 1714124772 Jenny Mellings

St Michael's Church, Calais


This is another work from the ongoing 'Correspondences' series, exploring aspects of the digital world, particularly the internet. It's a larger painting than those I previously made using similar, almost 'Pointillist' or 'Divisionist' methods, and the subject matter is to do with a specific connection with a film. A frame from that film (The Apu Trilogy part 1 director: Satyajit Ray, cameraman: Subatra Mitra) forms the lower layer, and the speckled layer over the top partly obscures this, and…

Correspondence 10 (Apu)

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