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Brain Coral

By  Diane Roberts 2009 - 2010

Diane Roberts

A natural history project Part of a project working collaboratively with the Bournemouth Natural Science society. Recordings of Conversations and video sketch-booking. Resulted in a s series of photographic stills ‘It is an illustration of something that is non-visual, that it is an illustration of direction of thinking, or of decision making, or of thought models that hopefully, if there is a consistent logic to something, then that logic would be transferred to an altogether different discipline’ What a lot of people are thinking right now………….

Diane Roberts

Diane Roberts

Diane Roberts

Diane Roberts

prettier-ignore-start Iwvbaofxruyz9mmsownygw prettier-ignore-end Diane Roberts

Wave Echo

Bournemouth Sand Mono-Print 3

Studland Environs 3

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