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British Psychotherapy Foundation, 37 Mapesbury Road, London NW2

By  Charlotte Harker 2015 - 2016
I first became aware of 37 Mapesbury Road and its use by the British Psychotherapy Foundation (bpf) in 2013. During my initial conversations with the bpf Arts Committee about the possibility of hosting an exhibition of my work I conceived the idea of making drawings of the house. 37 Mapesbury Road is the birthplace of the Neurologist, Oliver Sacks and has been used by the bpf for the practice and teaching of Psychotherapy since 1993. This knowledge became one of the compelling motivations for my drawing project. I felt that the long term connections to the practice of Psychotherapy would mean that many people would have developed their own professional and personal associations to 37 Mapesbury Road. It seemed to me that documentation through drawing of aspects of the house would acknowledge the possibilities of this.
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Portrait Project

Outbuilding III

Ancient Oak

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