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Car-nar-von was the conclusion of my month-long residency with Carn, Caernarfon. The residency looked at me in search of the real town. I wanted to investigate the town and put on a performance that connected to a family holiday with relatives that concluded with us be dumped in Bundaberg, Queensland. Three days drive from flight home in Sydney. I found the real town not just the tourist part around the castle. Such a wealth of history friendly faces and a will to survive. As the work documented on my take over of the Carn Instagram. The words I performed at the end was a trilogy of response to My Uncle who played the main part in leaving us who we have never spoken to since (this happened in 1996). As Part of the residency I approached the local community to take part in a photography workshop. The three poems raise the question of longing distance and unanswered questions. I also invited Welsh Musian and performance poet Sian Miriam and poet Rhys Trimble to contribute. I found it pretty brutal to perform. Sometimes wearing your heart on your sleeve can have positive effects, it's just how you control it?

Roj Smith

Jonathan Harty (workshop)

Oyxa1ticeesrl0blfldogq Alan Whitfield

ffloc Under The Flyover

Pil Box, One Mile Radius, Oriel Mostyn


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