
- Mixed Media
- Spiritual & Philosophical
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Health & Wellness
- Abstract & Conceptual
9 x 12 mm
Often exploring my own experiences as well as debates surrounding ‘woman’ and ‘the mother’ I use a range of media and processes. The chosen processes are always dependent upon the needs of each work. Resulting works include constructions and assemblages, installations, sculptures and 2D works in a range of media, and, in this instance, a textile hanging.
‘Caress’ uses several layers of neutral fabrics, including canvas and scrim: fabrics associated with me as artist. Its neutrality allows a blank canvas, and possibilities, for me both as woman and artist in the post-menopausal years. The piece hints at female genitalia, it is soft with many folds. The deep red of the slashing lines allude to female sexuality and, with this, a reminder that, should we choose, this aspect remains into later years.