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Micheal Pollard

Quilt based on the personal archive collection of Fisch, organiser, Drag King, Rebel Dyke and . The central portrait is based on an original portrait taken by Lola Flash.

Created for the Rebel Dykes Art and Archive Exhibition.

Part of the Textile Collection at The Whitworth.


The Rebel Dykes originated in the 1980s as a group that merged outsider cultures to create fresh feminist explorations of art, sex and activism! Now, The Rebel Dykes Art and Archive Show brings this group of artists back together for the first time in almost 40 years and unites important underrepresented cultural histories with contemporary dyke culture; inviting a variety of younger artists to exhibit new works alongside the dykes who paved their way.


prettier-ignore-start Small headshot 1720798543 prettier-ignore-end Sarah-Joy Ford

Looking for Lesbians: A Los Angeles Atlas

Spring Fire

Dykes for Trans Rights

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