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Cloud Dialogue (Flux Field)

Ewan Robertson

In collaboration with Gordon Munro, a new configuration of Cloud Dialogue (Flux Field) is now on show at RSA, Edinburgh as part of the Annual Exhibition 2019. The exhibition runs from 2nd Nov - 11Dec 2019. Cloud Dialogue (Flux Field) includes new connector castings enabling three-directional corners to be built as well as further new vertical node objects from Gordon Munro as well as 'off-structure' objects in the form of strewn iron stick elements. The title derives from iron's role in the generation of Earh's magnetic field.

Ewan Robertson

Ewan Robertson

Ewan Robertson

P2zhbmzqhke3lhvktkw Ewan Robertson

Siberian Graphite, Part 1

Occultations in Regulus

Cloud Dialogue (G.I.)

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