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Colour in the Margins with Back from the Brink

By  Sarah Richards 2019 - 2020
The Colour in the Margins project, part of Back from the Brink, aims to strengthen the relationship between our arable habitat and the plant and animal communities which are supported by it. This commission was held in Ryedale Folk Museum where families explored wildflowers growing on site, creating observational drawings that were displayed as wire seed pods. I created and illustrated an activity journal that encourages people to explore wildflowers and animals in their area. Back from the Brink is one of the most ambitious conservation projects ever undertaken. Its aim – to save 20 species from extinction and benefit over 200 more through 19 projects that span England; from the tip of Cornwall to Northumberland. It’s the first time ever that so many conservation organisations have come together with one focus in mind – to bring back from the brink of extinction some of England’s most threatened species of animal, plant and fungi.
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