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Utilising the recurring motifs of the coin pusher machine and arcade casino branding the object at the centre of ‘Cycle’ is a redesigned version of a concept explored during the collaboration module, the signs parasitically growing out of the central shape, and painted gold yet with an unfinished  appearance (the 3D printing supports left in place) it mimics cheap souvenir copies of landmarks and tourist sites, an item cheap in make-up but valuable in memory. 
The object sits, spotlit upon a turntable, presented akin to an item in a jewellery store window or museum cabinet. It becomes   an artefact of an unknown event, place or time. 

00507ff3 eeb8 4387 bef4 efaa08693841 rw 1200 1 1714395161 Stuart Robinson

Floor Piece

Nail Houses - SRT


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