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Dawn Vigil — Silo

By  Caro Williams 2017
SHIFTING GROUND OFF-SITE: THAMES, LONDON 9th October 2017, 4.30-7.30am Caro Williams joins a group of New Zealand artists with an off-site component from London. While the Auckland exhibition takes place within the chambers of a converted silo, Caro’s Dawn Vigil reflects on a working silo from across the waters in London with a time overlap between exhibition and vigil. SHIFTING GROUND addresses the specific past of the Silo’s utility as being both made of concrete and a container of concrete. Concrete, an ancient and modern composite material, is activated in this project as a generative linguistic device in order to consider the possibility of the group exhibition as a gestalt form – where strength, flexibility, tension and reinforcement structure an unfolding dialogue.
prettier-ignore-start Ixoiwlp5ewifzjt4ot2xw prettier-ignore-end Caro Williams

The Blue Hour (detail)

Spinning Poem

Cues for Birdsong

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