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De Groote Waterkant

By  Victoria Malcolm 2010 - 2013

V Malcolm

An image in a Cape Town property advert which suggested itself as a good subject for translation into paint-a seductive medium to add to the allure of the photographed scene. I think its appeal lies in the cave-like setting, cool and safely high above the blinding chaotic city. The tranquil source of clear water and greenery complete the idyll. this a larger version of the original interpretation I made from the tiny advert: two of those have sold so I decided to work faster and larger , laying down in one go without adding information that isn't there, using proportionately larger brushes. It too has sold quickly. I may have to try an even bigger version...a billboard eventually. Property in post-apartheid South Africa-the last bastion of the wealthy.
V M Victoria Malcolm

360º North West: November, Gathering

360º South East: August, The Vans

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