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'Death' is one of fourteen large scale photographic works taken from the exhibition 'Passion'. For the 2010 exhibition in the crypt of St Pancras Church this video was created to echo the last moments of a life - being overwhelmed/overtaken (water), the struggle to draw breath, and the moment the spirit leaves. 'Passion' is a modern interpretation of the Passion of Christ. Uniquely, all the works are self portraits using a variety of photographic techniques including making a 2 metre negative onto photographic cloth for his own interpretation of the 'Shroud'. In another unusual work Rafferty has imprinted his face, skin to cloth, directly for his own version of 'Vero Icon' or 'True image'. Reviews of his 2010 exhibition can be found in the press links section on the CV page.

Andrew Rafferty

Andrew Rafferty

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