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Deep Time Geo Magnets

Deep Time Geo - Magnets This display of fridge magnets is based on a selection of microscopic scans of rock samples from the Eastern Mendip. The four rows of the display represent the sequence of time periods and rock types in this area. - Andesite from the Silurian period, Old Red Sandstone from the Devonian period, Black Rock Limestone from the Carboniferous period and Doulting Stone from the Jurassic period .The magnets show a variety of different scan processes used by geologists to examine rocks and determine the climate and processes that occurred to create them. The concept of using fridge magnets was designed to re-present something unseen and largely unknown in a form that was highly accessible and familiar. This work was supported by the Climate and Landscape Change research programme and the Mineralogy and Petrography team at the British Geological Survey.
O1gaxf50hu2kpsghehultw Amanda Wallwork

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