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Paul Critchley

'Disconnected' is a corner painting, i.e. two planes which meet at 90 degrees which hang in the corner of a room. Tucked into the corner is a 'door' but although one can move the door to deny access from one stairway, this merely shifts the problem as another doorway is revealed giving access from another set of stairs. The door may be efficient; one door which serves two portals, but it is also very frustrating and quite disturbing as it is impossible to close the door. Even the telephone is frustrating because one cannot use it to dial out. This could be a corner somewhere in a house shared by Messrs Duchamp & Escher. Awarded 'The People's Prize' in the Manchester Academy of Fine Arts exhibition in Gallery Oldham in 2005.
050314cf Paul Critchley

Mr. and Mrs.

"and then what happened next?"

Eye Spy

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