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DREAMING PLACE technology No.5

By  Anna Keleher 2011

Scanned image

Site-specific collaborative drawings by Anna Keleher and Claire Coté nourished by the complex ecosystems of Marble Arch Caves Geopark. These experimental automatic/observational drawings on multiple sheets of A2 cartridge paper fit together to create a many tiered and bio-diverse world of dreams, stories, geology, plants and creatures. Listen to

Anna Keleher and Claire Coté

Anna Keleher and Claire Coté

Anna Keleher and Claire Coté

T6gn4clazussodx6tprkrg Anna Keleher

Speaking as Truffle : A collaboration with Melissa Waddingham

Radio Dreaming collaborative drawing with Claire Coté

DREAMING PLACE technology No. 13

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