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"Ecological Field Trip" to Crowden Brook and freshwater invertebrates

By  Magda Holden 2023
The personal involvement with the environment takes a notable place within my practice through engaging with scientist through conversations and field trips, gathering samples of flora and fauna to further investigate my finding: the hidden life, forms, and structures. In my art, ecology provides a rich metaphor or a starting point to contemplate complex issues: the whole earth interdependence. Because ecology is the study of relationship between organisms and their environment it offers abundant symbolism for investigating various interconnections. Thus, my art practice attempts to provide a connecting thread between physical and metaphysical and between terrestrial and other worldly aspects of life to return human wholeness and respect for the world that is non-human: the environment.
prettier-ignore-start 7hge4dhdee6odkg6mrcg prettier-ignore-end Magda Holden


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