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Edgelands - a U.K. touring exhibition

By  Day Bowman 2017
University of Cambridge Alison Richard Building EDGELANDS Day Bowman/ Dan Coombs/ Marguerite Horner/ Barbara Howey/ Lee Maelzer/ Sean Williams Dance by LKR & Co Music by composer and broadcaster Michael Berkeley Conversation between authors Iain Sinclair and Nick Papadimitriou 8/06/2017 – 28/07/2017 Edgelands presents the work of six visual artists who explore and document the wastelands and the neglected environs to be found on the margins of urban living. Housing estates, out of town retail parks and industrial areas, these spaces are the great ‘unnamed and ignored landscapes…places where our slipstream has created a zone of inattention’* and yet where all manner of interest and beauty thrive. The exhibition opens at 6 pm, Thursday 8 June 2017 with a dance performance choreographed by Lizzi Kew Ross and featuring eight students from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. The dancers explore the open, light-filled spaces in and around the atrium area of the Alison Richard Building their movements echoing the works by artists from the Contemporary British Painting Group. The haunting sound of a solo viola accompanies the dance with a composition Odd Man Out by Michael Berkeley. At 7 pm there is an opportunity to listen to the highly recognised writers on edgelands and deep topography: Iain Sinclair, author of London Orbital, and Nick Papadimitriou, author of Scarp. The exhibition runs until 28 July, Monday – Friday. 9 am – 5 pm daily. A fully illustrated catalogue with an essay by author and critic Andrew Lambirth will be available. For further information contact: Judith Weik, Research Project Administrator, CRASSH+44 (0)1223 760488 | | | University of Cambridge, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DT * Paul Farley and Michael Symmons-Roberts, co-authors on the book Edgelands.
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