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Elder Tree, Breath of my Garden

By  Karen Melvin 2022
Plants created the earth’s atmosphere; now our human culture is changing it. The garden is an area of control, editing nature. It provides a space to balance the needs of plants, trees, vegetables, insects, and wildlife with the sheer visual pleasure of the colour, texture and forms of plants and flowers. At home by the edge of the forest, I tore fragments of large photographic prints from a past exhibition, glued the pieces to canvas, and started painting. The past is torn up, experienced differently, signs and notations ripped apart, their edges carefully extended into a space that isn’t quite the single point of view of a photograph but extends into marks that are much more open-ended.
prettier-ignore-start Dvq4nexlm0c7qfg3qrv6fg prettier-ignore-end Karen Melvin

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