Michael Takeo Magruder
Peter S James
[element]s consists of an undefined number of three dimensional, mathematically proportionalised geometric structures - drawing analogies to both ancient monuments and contemporary technology. The modular nature of the sculpture allows the work to adapt to varied architectural spaces, and permits curatorial interpretation within defined parameters. The individual units comprise of a black body with rectangular light emitting textual panels. The exclusive use of the RGB (red, green and blue) palette - the fundamental platform of information technology - draws analogies, in a hyper real sense, to the natural elemental forces of fire, earth and air. The textual components are semi-abstract collages of world media fragments, bringing in global references about information and the international market.
[element]s requires a nominal floor space of 55m² and wall area of 20m² within a low, to no light environment with the total light (lux value) generated by the combined sculpture meeting access requirements. The units are wired in series and require access to several 13amp sockets.
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