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Embryo Series: Mary J Anderson

By  Muna Zuberi 2017
The Embryo Series is about being of mixed heritage and each Embryo and associated paperwork represents a different fictional person. The associated paperwork builds a picture of their fictional life. Every human being is the culmination of thousands of unique partnerships. Although we often don’t know much about more than the last couple of generations of our family. Given that we all have that unbroken line back to pre-history, the idea of being mixed race is at once factual but also a little ridiculous. The Embryo Series explores this notion of intermingling – the overlapping of multiple colours and textures are representative of the mixing of generations that produced the person but the single colours on each side reflect how we tend to see ourselves – a mixture of the most recent generations of our families.
O8dkd1r5q0me7ndj8ibczq Muna Zuberi

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