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Engine of Growth

By  Rich White 2016
Engine of Growth was an installation surrounding the sculpture 'Odd Oaks' by Nicholas Pope (1982), one of a number of sculptures in Thorpe Meadows Sculpture Park, Peterborough. The installation, which consisted of 100 square timber columns painted yellow, appeared to threaten the sculpture with the columns getting nearer together as they got nearer to the sculpture. During a two-day festival in the sculpture park visitors were invited to vote on whether to 'Repair', 'Recycle' or 'Remove' the sculpture by placing a corresponding sticker on any yellow column. The intention of the work was to provoke debate about the public sculpture collection in the park and get people talking and thinking about the value of public works and how we look after them. More info:
Me Fold Squ 1719152999 Rich White

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