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EU legislation Series #1

By  Marc Renshaw 2017
'EU law. EU law is divided into 'primary' and 'secondary' legislation. The treaties (primary legislation) are the basis or ground rules for all EU action. Secondary legislation – which includes regulations, directives and decisions – are derived from the principles and objectives set out in the treaties.' From Wiki. My latest series of drawings using biro on A4 paper, I've determined to transcribe a series of EU Laws taken from EUR - Lex, Access to European Law. Interesting to read 'that the UK accessed The European Solidarity Fund, whereby, the EU responded to 'mobilise the Fund following floods that affected 11 regions during December 2015-Jan 2016.' The UK was granted a payment of EUR 60 301 050.
prettier-ignore-start Ssnqdtb8n0odh7try8byw prettier-ignore-end Marc Renshaw

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