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YOU made me feel like this (work in progress)

By  Tina Rogers 2024
F A T By Tina Rogers and Roy Barry FAT asks:  How do others see & treat fat people?  How does the medical profession see us & treat us?  Do fat men get an ‘easier’ time than fat women?  How do fat people ‘see’ other fat people? WHY is it important? There is a lot of bias against larger people, we’re invisible (no pun intended!) and heavily criticised as being out of control, lazy, and worthless. We’re stigmatised and face ‘micro-aggressions’ daily. We want to show a different point of view – a view that’s not often heard of what our lives truly are like -that we are human and have feelings. Obesity is a delicate subject and because of the project and will be unflinching and potentially upsetting but also filled with love and humour. F A T will include: 1.    Short ‘spoken word’ films - Vignettes - 2 to 4 mins in length, direct to camera of artists (and possible participants, of stories/feelings/narrative) addressing their obesity and treatment by others. These films will be created at Derwen College, and we’re so lucky to have the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Digital students take part and film us. 2.    Portraiture through photography and painting of participants. Portraits will be a reflection of how that person ‘feels.  There will be an open call for this, and we hope to invite other F A Ts to take part. 3.    A film short film called “Fat Bingo” around 10 minutes in length will be produced, which will be comedic in approach but will present challenging views and ask difficult questions of the viewer.  The script is complete, the location secured (The Tivoli, a music venue in Buckley N. Wales) and film maker Dave Robinson ( is directing, filming and editing the piece. After trying for 2 years to get some sort of funding/help, we’re now just doing it - as cheaply as possible!
Lrupzir24kcpljkqo0hog Tina Rogers

Cwlwm Magazine



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