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Faceless Portraits 3D

I am looking at the ability technology provides to use a digital space to manipulate an object. In this space objects can be created, manipulated, rotated, lit animated and `photographed’. The application’s tool set in many cases mimic (use as metaphors) parallel processes to the physical world. Sculpture tools which add, remove, pinch or smooth an object. Wire-frame which although it has become the archetypal image of computer graphics has its origins in the armatures and wire work used in clay sculpture. Placing metaphorical cameras, choosing camera angles, lens size and camera tracking. I am exploring and extending ideas from a series of my photographs that I called `Faceless Portraits' ( where an impression of a person is created without including a head or face. Now, using Blender, I create a simple head with minimal facial details. I negotiate a balance between the digital 3D form and the 2D `faceless portraits` wrapping the portraits around the form. The 3D form distorts the 2D image and the 2D images camouflage the form. More on
prettier-ignore-start Yxhcichqceqwdrhl89jo4q prettier-ignore-end Cliff Crawford

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