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Floating Garden Festival

By  Christine Wilcox-Baker 2007 - 2008

John Moores

7' x 60' narrowboat

As part of 'Cheshire Year of Gardens 2008' this edible floating garden on a heritage narrowboat was commissioned by the National Waterways Trust. It joined other floating gardens at the Middlewich Folk & Boat Festival and then went on to other events. The garden was created using Cheshire produce plants and travelled for five weeks before being exhibited at the Ellesmere Port Boat Museum.

Christine Wilcox-Baker

Christine Wilcox-Baker

Christine Wilcox-Baker

Christine Wilcox-Baker

prettier-ignore-start Krkytunbtkw26ij4gkkr8w prettier-ignore-end Christine Wilcox-Baker

Creative consultant to WW1 exhibition

…broad seas…

Reflect Two

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